Cardio For Women For Women, Is Cardio The Best Route To Go To Lose Weight Quickly? Or Should You Continue To Use Weights Too?

For women, is cardio the best route to go to lose weight quickly? Or should you continue to use weights too? - cardio for women

You should do both for best results. Cardio burns calories during exercise but not after. Metabolize With strength training, and burn calories all day even at rest or during sleep.

When you exercise, you will have a muscle, not just grab the ladder, if guaging their progress. Go through your clothing as clean and your fitness level, and if you have access to anyone who has any body fat analysis, have not you (most gyms have someone who can do for you, but not by BMI-passport).

To give us some time and see the results. Takes a little patience is all.

Good luck!


jennifer s said...

As for the insurance. Keep up the cardio for fat loss, but also weightlifting a few days to keep up the metabolism.

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