Mild Dysplasia Prevent Dysplasia And Hpv?

Dysplasia and hpv? - mild dysplasia prevent

What is the best thing to do to mild dysplasia caused by HPV hinder my progress to cancer? If I is not treated, is also a cure for my HPV? I've heard that someone in the mild dysplasia have normal PAP follow-up. I do not have mild dysplasia was before cancer cells. Not my colposcopy to 30 August. Should I be concerned that his distance from now?


lunachic... said...

If you have concerns, call your doctor and tell them, must be willing to accept. I was diagnosed with ASCUS HPV. The way my doctor explained to me is not something that strongly great if you're already busy with her breasts. The purpose of a slurry is to anticipate these things, it can take years to develop drugs for cancer, so if you mentioned in your PAP should be in good shape.

I had my first colposcopy which came back low / moderate dysplasia. My doctor gave me the opportunity to 6 months wait time for my body to fight against HPV, or to give to cryotherapy. I waited, had another colposcopy and was still there. Then I had cryosurgery done that close the malignant cells with a supercooled probe. That sucks! No sex / tub / pool for a month and felt like my time is about 3 weeks.

So you know what your body and keep in touch with your doctor, you should be good.

Loon-A-T... said...

HPV is available in 2 versions: low risk annoying that produces warts, but in general very little risk to the health and high risk, which does not produce outward signs, but also cases of dysplasia, and cancer of the cervix in women.

As you can see only a slight dysplasia, if you had not yet a colposcopy? my dad just showed that he had a kind of abnormal cell growth caused by HPV. My gynecologist has had my eval colpo with moderate dysplasia. my actual results of the sample showed severe dysplasia LEEP in my neck area of the interior and moderate in 1 to 3 hours around the neck.

DXed not have the level of my colpo dysplasia without the two, so they first issue, and LEEP specimens, which gave courts the col lab in sight.

in the colpo, as I'm sure you know yours gynecology for a solution in cervical dysplasia, and then restart the cells for laboratory testing. But it is only a little more in depth than the Pap test.

to learn the severity of dysplasia, there must be a genuine reduction CerviCal-cells tested in the laboratory. These are obtained by LEEP. RAD is a procedure that is often used to diagnose, treat, prevent, and hopefully future recurrance of dysplasia. Then the gynecologist, a coiled wire, which is aligned with the electric current, making it red, cut the bad side of his neck. ensure that s / discs also some healthy cells in the city, you get all the bad cells and are less inclined to spread.

as I said, had a height of 3 cells, which was initially thought at the level of 1-cells. they do not know until he my LEEP results, which had had to Stage 3 of the cells.

It makes me concerned for every woman who receives a diagnosis of dysplasia, HPV. While the malignant cells move very slowly in cancer, you never know when it might be on this frontier, like me, and really the LEEP and turn right.

News from the past. try to at least a month earlier. as I said, malignant cells are not only progressing slowly, but it is possible that you really could be, and WDMand cancer and think it's Level 1

Here are some news/inspiration/hope- and 6 months after my LEEP, they found the front of the stage 3 cancer cells, not the HPV DNA trace in my throat. the more sensitive tests can not find him. my doctor told me that this means that the virus is very, very low latency on my system, and is not likely to give me problems, now or in the future. It is too early, after a LEEP for HPV to enter remission than happens and I'm so glad that I did not. 2 months after my father was not perfect. Is not it strange, but so big?

just for your health and your peace of mind and pushed me before.

BTW-the colpo is uncomfortable but not painful. Many women say they have cramps and after her release, but I did not. I was okay.

LEEP, colpo sample, if necessary, is uncomfortable but not painful. The worst thing is the shot in the neck at the beginning, so no, I'm sorry, and then the odd smell of burning skinThe machine makes when it burns the malignant cells. is the burning of the skin and smells gross.

Good luck to you. I think it will be all right, because you already have on your health. HPV can be administered. it always will be, but the fact that 80% of the population by the time you reach 50 years.

jtothec said...

The best thing to do is follow the advice of your physician, regular Pap tests, and do not worry. Mild dysplasia is very common) (500,000 until 1 million cases per year. Cervical cancer is on the other side, very rare in the U.S. (approximately 12,000 cases per year), most cases of cervical cancer preventable with treatment.

If your doctor recommends a treatment that does not necessarily eliminate the virus itself, but that it stimulates the immune system. Finally, more than 90% of cases, the body clears the virus after treatment, or at least reduced to undetectable levels, and simple levels, usually within 6-12 months.

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