M S More Condition_symptoms HIV Symptoms??..........?

HIV Symptoms??..........? - m s more condition_symptoms

I make a report on the symptoms of HIV, my friend told me that some of these symptoms are;

Sore throat
pierce the skin of acne / blackout

I saw part of it on Google, but not many sites give a definitive answer

These are symptoms of the disease of HIV?


ScorpioR... said...

Mmm ... Not really. You should run your own research, your friend has good intentions, but he is not very precise.

I'll give you a hint - the HIV virus is not just their symptoms. It weakens the immune system so strong that the person starts from diseases that healthy people would suffer do not come. These infections are called "opportunistic infections" because they take the risk to a person with a weak immune system. Some of these opportunistic infections can be regarded as symptoms of HIV ... but not the things on your list.

A good start is www.cdc.gov, the Centers for Disease Control. If you dig through this site you will find a wealth of information available to allow detailed statistical reports.

SUSAN M said...

Uh no. The symptoms of HIV are similar to flu. People often feel tired or sore and bruised, weight loss, loss of appetite and no energy, but lasts much longer. Often, HIV diagnosis is not made until it is too late when the person develops HIV-related complications such as pneumonia, PCP, Kaposi's sarcoma (purple lesions on the skin) or any another complication. People lose the ability to infections, care for the sicker and are often in hospital fight

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